The power of Imagination
Good morning, imagine being on holiday today!, cites Albert Einstein who once said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge
General inspirational messages
Good morning, imagine being on holiday today!, cites Albert Einstein who once said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge
Balcony cite the snake plant, also known as the mother-in-law’s tongue, in a study done at Naresuan University, Thailand validated it
The catalytic converter was invented by Eugene Houdry, a French mechanical engineer and expert in catalytic oil refining who lived in the
Die sit in hulle huisie was maar so in die skemerte gewees want die wintersonnetjie het vroeg-vroeg gaan slaap. Dis die tweede
Maar daar sal ʼn takkie uitspruit uit die stomp van Isai, en ʼn loot uit sy wortels sal vrugte dra. Jesaja. 11:1
Die warmste hemellig is stadig maar seker besig om agter die verste sien te loop slaapplek soek. Ek en die Mooiste Mooi
Historians write about bodyguards in ancient Greece. Alexander the Great retained a troop of guards used strictly for personal protection. Most of
Vertrou op die Here met jou hele hart en steun nie op jou eie insig nie. Ken Hom in al jou weë
Die vroegmiddag strale van die herfsson brand lugspieëls oor die graspolle van die Agter-Kalahari. Net soos die Heer se genade, loop die
It is said that If the first tear comes from the right eye, it means happiness and if it comes from the