Know that God is control of this day.
Ever wondered when man started using rockets? On 16 March 1926 Robert Goddard launched the world’s first liquid-fueled rocket. It was in Auburn, Massachusetts. The first rocket which actually launched something into space was used to launch Sputnik. The the first satellite was launched, on October 4, 1957. The rocket that launched Sputnik was an R-7 ICBM. These scientific and technological inventions have changed communication and media transmission to what we have today.
Yet imagine knowing that the immortal body will require no rocket fuel or space station for a send-off. However, one misses the Bible where Elijah was taken into heaven:
God fetched Elijah in a very spectacular moment and way. He did not see death but lived so close to God, that God just fetched him to heaven. Do not depend on science to prove or disprove God. He is as close as one prayer away, yet so far and indivisible that science cannot challenge Him.
Thank you, Father, that we don’t need technology to speak to you, help me to depend on you for the toils of my day. I pray that I may walk and talk with you today, share your wisdom and understanding with me in my moments of stress. In Jesus name. Amen.