You cannot cannot start your day without a good glass of water. Kariba Dam was the world’s biggest dam based on water storage capacity. Located at the Kariwa Gorge, this dam creates Lake Kariba, which has a storage capacity of 185 billion cubic meters of water and a surface area of 5,580km2. It seems it could have been overtaken by the Grand Renaissance dam in Ethiopia that is located close to the border with Sudan on the Blue Nile. Construction started in 2011 and the dam with a capacity of generating 6.3 GW of electricity.
It is so sad that believers don’t realise the capacity and storehouse of God’s glory. If one is positioned next to the water of life, the potential of generating Godly power around one is so imminent. The Glory of God far exceeds our understanding, ability, and vision. One must never underestimate the power generated when tapping into God’s glory by the Holy Spirit through praise, worship, and prayer. The glory then outweighs the problems one faces, and the giants fall at the mention of Jesus’ name. Generate Godsent power in your community today, be a true worshipper.
Dear Lord, I long for your glory, the power of God to move through me, to feel your presence and to experience your insight in my life. Please make me an instrument of grace, glory and power. I open my heart to you for an infilling of the water of Life so that it may flow out to others through love, my faith and the hope I instill in my surroundings. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Dr Cliff Ferguson – Shalom Centurion.